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Laser Therapy $45

Laser Therapy $45

Laser Therapy ($45) Laser therapy has become one of the most common recommended treatments to facilitate wound healing, alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Lasers, due to their enhancing immune functions, are being used to provide general health improvement. In...
Traveling Certificates ($40-$292)

Traveling Certificates ($40-$292)

Certificate Requirements ($40-$292) (Not doing traveling certificates at the moment) When traveling with your pet(s), there may be animal health requirements specific for that destination. Average International Requirements: – Traveling Certificate signed by a...
Dental Cleaning -$285 – $595

Dental Cleaning -$285 – $595

Regular Dental Cleaning Services ($285-$575) Your dog will never tell you when they are experiencing dental pain. The best way to prevent these issues is to maintain a dental health routine at home. This should be supplemented with regular dental cleanings performed...
Puppy and Kitten Pack -$49

Puppy and Kitten Pack -$49

Puppy & Kitten Pack ($49) Our vaccination pack for puppies and kittens plays a critical role in protecting them from many dangerous and even fatal diseases. In our package we cover what we consider core vaccinations. PUPPY VACCINATIONS (BOOSTER): Canine Parvovirus...
Annual Checkup -$105

Annual Checkup -$105

Annual Checkup for Dogs and Cats ($105) Our annual checkup with vaccinations plays a critical role in protecting your dog and cat from many dangerous and even fatal diseases. In our package we cover what we consider core vaccinations. CORE DOG VACCINATIONS: Canine...