Surgery ($1300-1900) -Miami
Pyometra is a uterus infection that happens as a result of hormonal changes following estrus (heat) that without treatment may have fatal consequences for your female dog. During this process some hormones (progesterone) remain elevated, which may cause lining of the uterus to thicken in preparation for pregnancy. If pregnancy doesn’t take place for several cycles, the uterine lining continues to increase in thickness until internal cysts are formed within uterine tissues. The expanded, cystic lining secretes fluids that are a perfect environment for bacterial growth. This condition often leads to a life-threatening infection.
Preferred treatment is to surgically remove the uterus and ovaries by performing an ovariohysterectomy (read more).
- Blood work lab
- Intravenous fluids
- General anesthesia
- Ovariohysterectomy (removal of infected uterus and ovaries)
- Antibiotics treatment
- Hospitalization for four days (if accepted by client then $300 dollars are added to the final bill)
- Removal of stitches
- Up to 50 lbs ($1200)
- Above 50 lbs ($1500-1900)
What to expect during Pyometra Surgery?
- Pre anesthetic exam (in-house blood work)
- Intravenous fluids
- Our veterinary team will induce your dog into a safe state of general anesthesia
- Vital signs including breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, state of anesthesia, oxygenation levels, CO2 level,and body temperature are monitored closely
- The surgeon makes an incision near the umbilicus on the abdomen area
- The infected ovaries and uterus are removed
- The surgeon closes the incision with surgical glue or sutures
- Postoperative medications are given, and postoperative care continues until your dog is completely recovered from the anesthesia
- We will keep your dog hospitalized until she completely recovers and is safe to send home with after care instructions

Important Fact:
Stop feeding your pet (dog/cat) food and water 12 hours before surgery. Food can complicate surgery and lead to fatal outcome.

Home Care Instructions
Our veterinary staff will also provide you with post-operative instructions to follow when your pet goes home. With your home care instructions you will receive medication to minimize to minimize post-op discomfort. The steps below you can follow at home in order to facilitate a safe and comfortable recovery:
Quiet Place
Provide a quiet place for your dog to recover
Avoid bathing
Avoid bathing your dog for at least ten days after surgery
Check Incision Daily
Check incision daily to confirm proper healing.
Call us
If your dog is lethargic, has decreased appetite, is vomiting and has diarreha.
Preventing Running and Jumping
Do not allow your dog to run and jump for seven to ten days following surgery
Pay attention to changes around the surgery area
If you find any redness, swelling, or discharge around the surgery area, or if incision is open please, call us