Prophylactic Gastropexy ($3200) -Miami
|This price includes Spay or Neutering as well |
A gastropexy is a surgical procedure that can prevent gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV), typically impacting large breed dogs. Veterinarians also describe it as a bloating and twisting of the stomach.
Your dog may need prophylactic gastropexy to prevent GDV. If so, your veterinarian will probably recommend performing it on high-risk dogs while they are young, typically when you take them in for neutering or spaying. Preventive gastropexy is often recommended for Great Danes and other high-risk breeds. Unfortunately, approximately 40% of Great Danes will develop GDV without intervention.
Dogs who develop GDV often require emergency surgery to untwist the stomach and prevent future recurrence. However, the procedure dramatically decreases the risk of recurrence. What is included on this surgical procedure?
- Blood work lab
- Intravenous fluids
- General anesthesia
- Gastropexy surgery
- Spay or Neutering (if wanted)
- Antibiotics treatment
- Pain medication
- Removal of stitches
What to expect during Gastropexy Surgery?
- Pre anesthetic exam (in-house blood work)
- Intravenous fluids
- Our veterinary team will induce your dog into a safe state of general anesthesia
- Vital signs including breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, state of anesthesia, oxygenation levels, CO2 level,and body temperature are monitored closely
- The surgeon makes one incision through the stomach’s outer layer and another incision inside the body wall to attach the stomach
- Using lines of sutures, the stomach is attached to the body wall
- The surgeon closes the incision with surgical sutures
- Postoperative medications are given, and postoperative care continues until your dog is completely recovered from the anesthesia
- We will keep your dog hospitalized until he/she completely recovers and is safe to send home with after care instructions

Important Fact:
Stop feeding your dog food and water 12 hours before surgery. Food can complicate surgery and lead to fatal outcome.

Home Care Instructions
Our veterinary staff will also provide you with post-operative instructions to follow when your pet goes home. With your home care instructions you will receive medication to minimize to minimize post-op discomfort. The steps below you can follow at home in order to facilitate a safe and comfortable recovery:
Quiet Place
Provide a quiet place for your dog to recover
Avoid bathing
Avoid bathing your dog for at least ten days after surgery
Check Incision Daily
Check incision daily to confirm proper healing.
Call us
If your dog is lethargic, has decreased appetite, is vomiting and has diarreha.
Preventing Running and Jumping
Do not allow your dog to run and jump for seven to ten days following surgery
Pay attention to changes around the surgery area
If you find any redness, swelling, or discharge around the surgery area, or if incision is open please, call us