by ac | Feb 20, 2022 | ccl
Cranial Cruciate Ligament Surgery (CCL or ACL) – TTA $3100 -TPLO $4350 -Miami In dogs, the cranial cruciate ligament or CCL is the connective tissue that protects the knee. Some people refer to it as the ACL and we’ll use the terms interchangeably for the...
by ac | Feb 19, 2022 | Gastropexy
Prophylactic Gastropexy ($3200) -Miami |This price includes Spay or Neutering as well | A gastropexy is a surgical procedure that can prevent gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV), typically impacting large breed dogs. Veterinarians also describe it as a bloating and...
by ac | Mar 7, 2021 | Pyometra
Surgery ($1300-1900) -Miami Pyometra is a uterus infection that happens as a result of hormonal changes following estrus (heat) that without treatment may have fatal consequences for your female dog. During this process some hormones (progesterone) remain elevated,...
by ac | Mar 7, 2021 | Neutering
Neutering ($350-$785) Many research studies out there examine the optimum age to neuter dogs and cats. Some show benefits to waiting until after maturity to neuter, while others show benefits in sterilization prior to sexual maturity. For male dogs, some of the...
by ac | Mar 6, 2021 | Spay
Spay ($395-$950) The age accepted for spaying a dog is approximately 6 months. It is also acceptable to spay a dog once she is an adult, although there is a slightly greater risk of postoperative complications in elderly dogs as well as in dogs that are overweight or...
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